Wind farm owners and operators rely on accurate and detailed data collection, processing and QA/QC to ensure their study is completed correctly to satisfy all permitting requirements. Audio is only half of the solution to precise noise studies. Having in depth expertise in complete wind resource assessments and hundreds of met tower installations globally, including power curve verification (IEC 61400-12); we excel in both audio and met data collection.
Molen offers unique solutions to our customers who are seeking IEC 61400-11 certified noise studies:
- In house Audio Engineers (Masters in Audio engineering from accredited Universities)
- Start to finish wind resource assessments including meteorological installations, data collection, wind farm optimization, and QA/QC
- We do not use “off the shelf” noise meters. We design our own equipment, process data in complex software suites to deliver a refined and very customizable data set, which results in a better overall product and lowers unnecessary equipment costs for customers. Our equipment:
- Meets Class 1 acoustical specifications for sound level meter per ANSI S1.4-2014 and IEC 61672-1:2002 and 60804:2000 Type 1
- Meets Class 1 for ANSI S1.11 / IEC 61260:1995 Class 0 Octave and Fractional Octave Band Digital Filters, frequency range from 25Hz to 25 kHz in 1/3 octave bands
- Certifications available
- Fast weighting response below 125 ms, Leq
- Octave and 1/3 Octave logging
- Z-, A-, or C-weighted spectra – complying with A weighting configuration
- We have a solution to reduce overall time in the field during collection, to reduce customer costs which is backed by our experience in wind farm operations and wind resource assessments